Monday, October 1, 2012

Keep Calm and Fight On

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month!  For those battling breast cancer, a special month certainly isn't needed to be aware of this nasty disease, but for others, it is a great chance to take time to learn more about prevention, symptoms, and how to fight for a cure.

For me, it is ironic that October is Breast Cancer Awareness month as two years ago, it was a night late in October when I first noticed that something seemed "off."  I had carried a heavy box that day and figured I must have just pulled a muscle in my chest or shoulder.  I didn't want to think anything of it (even though the little voice in my head said to pay attention).  I remember telling Mr. C about it in passing and I probably don't thank him enough for pressing me to call my doctor.  I wanted to dismiss it, assuming it would just go away with time, but finally decided to call my doctor to run the situation by them. 
Fast forward a week or so, one ultrasound scan, one biopsy later, and one unforgettable phone call asking me to "bring someone with me" to hear the results of the biopsy.  Just like that, my life was changed forever.

I was going to ask you to take a moment this month to schedule that overdue mammogram soon or to take a few minutes to check yourself at home or to at least learn about your family history and risk factors.  I was going to ask you to do all this for me, but then I thought, no, that isn't right.  

Do it for you. 

Do it so you never have to make a phone call to your family 300 miles away with heartbreaking news.  Do it so you don't have to learn how absolutely fab-u-lous you look with no hair and no eyebrows.  Do it so you don't have to quickly get over your inexplicably crazy fear of needles.  Do it so if there is something to catch, you catch it early!

For each comment received below or link to this post on your own blog, I will donate one dollar to breast cancer research.  Do your part by spreading the word and I'll do mine by supporting the cause!

Until next time, travel fight on!


  1. Wow, I can't believe that was two years ago... it only took two years for you to beat cancer, get a puppy, get married, and grow new hair. You are awesome!!

  2. To sit here all day costing you money, or not to sit here all day costing you money... it is a good cause...

  3. Lucky for you, I'm having a little trouble with the "prove your not a robot" section, so this is my last one :o)

  4. Well written Maggie and a great reminder why we fight on.

  5. Love this post, Maggie, and hearing more of your story...letting us walk one post in your shoes brings everything into sharper focus--it is in the busy day to day that I think sometimes people forget to take care of themselves, so this is a really good reminder. Fight on :)

    1. Thank you for your thoughtful words Kate - $5!

  6. thanks for sharing your story!!

  7. My Mom just started chemo today for breast cancer treatment. Fight on girl, fight on!!!

    1. Tell her to kick some major cancer butt! I will keep her in my thoughts :-)
