Sunday, August 5, 2012

Sweet Tooth

At the momemt, gray skies are lurking overhead and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a big "power is out, flashlights are on" kind of thunderstorm.  Earlier today though, it was a typical warm, sunny August day in Boston.  Four other girls and I adventured together through the Back Bay area of Boston on a Chocolate Walking Tour.  We had purchased a Groupon for this months ago and finally got around to scheduling an afternoon for this fun (and tasty) event!

We met our tour guide Alissa outside of the first stop on Newbury Street, along with about ten other chocolate fanatics around 12:15pm.  Right off the bat, she was friendly, witty, and willing to tell jokes about chocolate even if she didn't get much response from the tame group.  It brought me back to my tour guide days in college of hoping for at least a pity laugh for my "debit and credit" accounting jokes (let me tell you, they were pure gold).

We were able to visit five different locations that ranged from the fancy $84 per pound Swiss chocolatier, the quirky shop packed with old-school candies and toys, and the familiar name brand store, Lindt.  We had samples at each store (some gave one, while others offered up to five different types for us to try). 

one of my favorite, old-school candies

Alissa had good relationships with each of the stores (read - more samples and discounts on purchases) and was even willing to call ahead to stores to make sure they had your favorite in stock so you knew what to expect.  Our tour took about two hours and we all decided that we had enjoyed just the right amount of chocolate and still had room for a late lunch.  We stood by the Boston Public Library and Trinity Church while we pondered where to grab a little bite.  We ultimately picked a wine bar that was tucked into a tiny nook of space on Newbury Street that specialized in small plates and italian food.  It was a great afternoon out on the town.

Our view while we decided on lunch  

If you take one of these tours, here are a few tips:
  • I was happy to have worn comfy shoes as we strolled up and down Newbury Street and in and out of the stores.  Also, it was helpful to have sunglasses since Alissa spent some time with us outside of each store giving us the heads up on what we would be seeing and sampling inside.
  • I didn't expect chocolate to make me so insanely thirsty, but I was certainly glad that I had tossed a water bottle into my bag.
  • Of course, I had my wallet with me so I could buy full size versions of my favorite samples, but I would recomend that you have some small bills with you as well so you can give your tour guide a tip for a job well done.  Alyssa kept us all excited and engaged, even in the oppresive humidity in Boston today.

What adventure did you go on this weekend?

Until next time, travel on...


  1. I'm reading this, eating my delicious Spicy Mayan bar, and thinking that when you go to Paris you should take a chocolate tour there!

    1. I was at Wegmans the other day and saw the Spicy Maya bars there! If we all run out, I know where to get more :)

  2. As a chocolate lover, this looks like so much fun! I love that they tied walking into it so you can burn off a little bit of chocolate as you go, haha :)

    1. Thanks Lauryn! I totally agree - it was fun indulging in all the chocolate, but we didn't feel too guilty since we strolled around town too :)
