Monday, November 19, 2012

The little stuff...

When I am exploring somewhere new, one of my favorite things to do is to find Main Street.  I love to meander down a bustling street that flanked by bakeries with fogged up windows from fresh bread, eclectic shops that display their wares on the sidewalk to entice you inside, and pubs with open-air fronts that allow the boisterous laughter of their best customers to spill out onto the street.

main street sign1 300x199 Mainstream for 2011...

Why do I love this so much?  Because it is small.  It reminds me of what downtown areas probably were like decades ago.  I enjoy seeing things that you will never see at your standard grocery store, mega mall or Target.  And of course, it is really great to know that my business has supported the little guy.

So, why am I telling you about this now?  Well, as most people know, Black Friday is coming up.  A day to sprint through stores, claw your way to bargains, and stand in long lines at the register while you hold your $8 all-in-one waffle iron/coffee maker/blender.  While I admit that I do shop on Black Friday and I do shop at the mall and Target quite often, this year I want to support a different tradition.  Small Business Saturday is a day to cross some items of your holiday shopping list, find unique gifts with character, and to once again, support the little guy who isn't likely making millions of dollars, but truly has a passion for their business.

There are all kinds of small businesses to support - restaurants, liquor stores, yoga studios, dry cleaners, hair salons, and of course, etsy shops!  If you aren't familiar with etsy, it is an online marketplace for homemade and vintage items.  I used it quite a bit during my wedding planning to add special DIY details to the day that were beyond my skill level. 

Our awesome etsy wedding invites from Cricket Printing!

These days, I have my own etsy shop that combines my interest in DIY, my business-school learnin', and my love for doggies!  Check out The Muddy Paw Dog Treat Barkery!  While you are there, be sure to check out the etsy shops of awesome crafters to see if you can find any gifts for those who are on your list this year.

Until next time, shop small!

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